Kidepo National Park

Kidepo National Park is considered one of the most remote safari parks in Africa and is most notable for harboring a number of animals found nowhere else in Uganda which include cheetahs, bat-eared foxes, aardwolves, caracal plus the greater and lesser kudus. A large concentration of elephants, zebras, buffaloes, bushbuck, giraffes, lions, jackals, leopards, hyenas and Nile crocodiles can also be found there.  Kidepo National Park also offers some of the most stunning scenery of any protected area in Uganda which includes the rolling short-grass savannah of about 1442-sq-km which is also ringed by mountains and cut by rocky ridges.
Kidepo National Park also contains unusual and not often sighted predators such as the aardwolf, bat-eared fox, caracal, cheetah, hunting dog and striped hyena. It also contains the usual savannah animals such as lions, leopards, giraffe and other common herbivores. 

Getting Around Kidepo National Park

Being a remote area with little infrastructure and many hazards like poor roads which have sand, mud, washboards, stream crossings and deep ruts, the tourist is requires to hire vehicles with 4-wheel drive and significant ground clearance because during the rainy season expert off-road driving skills are required to navigate the deep, slick "black cotton" mud which requires 4 wheeled vehicles and also requires a ranger escort.
Since there is a presence of dangerous game, most travel within the park is by vehicle. Walking tours are possible with an armed ranger escort.

Kidepo National Park Flora and fauna
The kidepo National Park flora and fauna is mainly savannah and a variety of wild game which include the herbivores like elephants, Rothschild giraffe, Nile buffalo, Burchell's zebra, Oribi, Klipspringer, Uganda kob, greater and lesser Kudu, warthog, Bush pig, Topi, grant's gazelle, Eland, Bushbuck, Common duiker, Bush duskier, Roan antelope, Beisa oryx, Dik dik, Defassa Waterbuck, jackson's hartbeest, Chandlers Mountain reedbuck and Bohor reedbuck. The park also includes carnivores like lions, cheetahs, leopards, carcal, serval, spotted hyena, stripped hyena, aardwolf, african hunting dogs, black-backed jackal, side-striped jackal and bat eared foxes. The Primates found in the park include the endemic (found nowhere else) Kavirondo bush baby plus 465 species of birds and 58 birds of prey.

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